The new FMS FCX18 - The Key Choice For Crawling To The Top A new series launched by FMS, the FCX18 has been designed to become the king of small-scale crawling and the "most important piece of the puzzle" in the FMS product line. The LC80 is the heavyweight debut product of the FCX18, carrying the core characteristics of robustness, reliability and adventure. The FCX18 Toyota LC80 is significant in the small-scale crawling car category, and it pays tribute to the Land Cruiser brand's cultural heritage, technological innovation, and off-road tenacity.
1.Officially licensed product of Toyota-Hilux
2.Injection-molded hard body
3.Classic metal plating wheels and all-terrain tire
4.Plated rearview mirror
5.Openable hood
6.Detailed cargo and bottom plates and openable tailgate
7.Spectacular anti-abrasion and anti-scratch coating ensuring brightly colored scheme
8.Metal ladder beam
9.multi-link suspension system-4WD
10.High torque climbing ability with FDL 104:1