The Nerf Super Soaker Power Drench XL water blaster features high performance pressurized blasting for
intense water battles! It includes an innovative easy fill station that quickly fills the blaster and instantly
pressurizes it. Adjust the stream to soak everyone with pulsing bursts of water, or launch the entire tank of
water in one giant drenching blast! Attach a hose to the easy fill station, and place the blaster on the station to
fill and pressurize. Hose required, not included. An adapter is included to attach to the hose if needed.
Minimum static water pressure required: 35 PSI (2.41 BAR). Nerf Super Soaker blasters are great kids outdoor
water toys and make awesome gifts to get everyone outside for fun, active play that’s a real splash!
NERF SUPER SOAKER and HASBRO and all related trademarks and logos are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc.